Very nice wide wheel "Birdsell" Chuckwagon.This is a rock solid heavy built chuckwagon.Rear wheels measure 45" X 3".Wagon comes with everything shown to include:wagon hammer, doubletrees, neck yoke, miners pick, meat saw, tool box, jockey box, Parker coffee grinder, double headed axe, bow saw, meat cleaver, leather scabbard( rifle not included), rope, canteen, wagon jack, oak barrel, hobbles, water dipper, pick, shovel, enamelware, crows nest, wagon tarp, 2 lanterns, block & tackle, water bucket,2 man saw, coffee pot, washboard,
end gate wheel table, kerosene can, small trunk.
All wing nuts, hangers, hooks, etc. have been hand forged.Chuck box, jockey box, tool box are all constructed with Cedar lumber.Comes with a complete cook fly package which includes a 12' X 16" canvas fly, 10 fly poles, fly pole holders on side of wagon, 11 metal fly stakes, fly ropes.
Cook fly setup is shown below on one of our other wagons.
Item can be stored inside up to 6 months if necessary to facilitate pickup/ transport.
This item for Local Pickup Only.
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